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Wednesday at 7:30 PM Mid-week prayer service.  There is a brief exhortation from the scripture with a focus on prayer.  Then prayer requests are taken always remembering the missionaries we support. Then we bow before the LORD and pray.


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14  (KJV)



Sunday morning service 11:00 AM

Break for lunch at noon

Sunday afternoon service 2:00 PM

Nursing Home


1st, 2nd, & 4th Wednesdays at 10:00 AM & Every 3rd Wednesday at 2:00 PM We give time to the folks at LIFE CARE CENTER on Kingsley Avenue in Orange Park, FL.  There is a time of singing unto the LORD with hymns of the faith followed by a message from GOD's WORD brought by Bro. Chris Pappas Pastor.


Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.  James 1:27 (KJV)


Mid-week Prayer Service

Music (Scriptures & Hymns)


The local body together worships by singing scripture verses and the old hymns of the faith to the LORD from their hearts.  In church, worship music and singing is to be a participatory activity by the local body as a whole, not just to be watched. 


Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. Psalm 30:4 (KJV)


Messages from GOD's WORD

The local body together worships the LORD by being under sound biblical exposition of the scriptures.


So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the WORD of GOD. Romans 10:17  (KJV)




2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

3 But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour;

4 .... after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. Titus 1:2-4  (KJV)




Because children are a blessing from the LORD ALL the family members are welcome to our services. Children learn to worship with the loving guidance of their parents; thus  our services include everyone of all ages together as a corporate body. There is a time of singing from our hearts unto the LORD with hymns of the faith followed by a message from GOD's WORD brought forth by our Pastor, Bro. Chris Pappas.


Family Integrated Worship

Missionaries we support

& pray for

Unnamed Missionaries to Nepal & China He minsters to brethren and evangelizes while she minsters to orphans and abandoned children.


Pat & Diane Horner Bro. Pat is pastor of Calvary Baptist Church Santa Anna, Texas and oversees (Bro. Peter) that has a ministry teaching and equiping pastors to minister the word of God in the country of Nepal


The Sitzma Family in the Philipines


Frank & Evelyn Maxson Family formerly in Lilongwe, Malawi, Africa now back in Florida seeking the LORD's direction. Brother Frank has planted multiple churches and discipled pastors in both Zambia and Malawi. Currently Bro. Frank & family are seeking the LORD's direction for their next ministry endever.


Tom & Ginger Schmidt Family in Haiti. Tom and Ginger have served for decades in Haiti. Their most recent burden is for the physically disabled orphans, who are rejected by the local society.


Ryan & Joy Anders Family in Ft. Pierce, Florida. Ryan is a pilot with Missionary Flights International.


Dale and Rhonda Towle Family in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Dale grew up in Faith Tabernacle Bapt Church and was Associate Pastor for many years before leaving to pastor another church.  Now he is ministering to multiple correction facilities, and is pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Rhinelander. Bro. Dale & his family also minister at the Northwoods Conference Center in Watersmeet Michigan


Don & Bridgette Dryden & Family, serving in Port-de-Paix, Haiti. Article by Bro. Don about Haiti


Bro. Don Dryden's son Benji & his family, have taken up the baton from his father to continue carrying the gospel into the mountians of Haiti.


The Westraad Family in Mozambique, Africa


The Work

We are so grateful for the work the Lord has given us to do here!  We do not have large ministries like many others do, but we are seeking to shine more brightly as lights for Christ in the darkness.



Currently we have 2 Bible classes for children, in 2 different areas.  We go once a week to each area, and have an hour long time with the children of singing, Bible verse memorization, and teaching.  .


On Sunday afternoons we have a Bible study for older children and adults.  In this time we study the Word of God more in depth, especially with the young converts.


The Lord opened the door for us to start a Learning Center here in Xai-Xai.  A Learning Center is an after-school program where children who cannot read or write are taught reading & writing, basic English, and most importantly, the Bible.  


Bibles and Christian literature are hard to find and expensive in Mozambique.  We have a mobile Christian book store where we make solid Christian books and Bibles available to the people as cheaply as possible.  We also distribute some literature and Bibles for free as is fitting.


Likeminded Churches

Faith Baptist Tabernacle - Williston, FL

Bro. Richard Harding, Pastor


New Hope Baptist Church - St. Marys, GA

Bro. George Anderson, Pastor


 New Life Baptist Church in Rhinelander. WI

Bro. Dale Towle, Pastor


 Reformed Baptist Church - Glasgow, Scotland

Bro. Jim Handyside, Pastor


e-Sword Bible software

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    Inspiring hymns -


    ....Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.   John 4:35 (KJV)

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